There are tons of reasons why you would comment on a blog.

  1. You simply feel the need to contribute with something. Maybe an addition the author didn’t think of.
  2. You simply agree or disagree with the article
  3. You are posting to get a backlink
  4. You are trying to impress or hit on the gorgeous girl who wrote the article.
  5. Or maybe something entirely different…

What ever your reason is I am glad you took the time to comment.

Now, this is infact, a landing page. And the purpose of a landing page is to make you stay long enough to engage in one of the possible actions such a page might have. Well not entirely, because my idea was simply to say Thank You!

But the landing page idea occurred to me while writing this. Yes I would like you to stay – but of course you are free to leave any time you want.

You are probably here because you read one of my articles – which means I am not going to try to sell you a car.

But just maybe I could offer you another article:


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